Hypertonic Pelvic Floor guide

What is a Hypertonic Pelvic Floor!? (HPF). A hypertonic pelvic floor is when your pelvic floor muscles become too tight/tense due to overactivity of the pelvic floor, this means they are contracting too much & too hard and they struggle to relax – causing a whole host of problems that’s often missed or misdiagnosed. Why […]
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C-section Guide

What is a C-Section? Commonly referred to as a caesarean section or C-section – it is a surgical procedure were you deliver your baby via an incision in your abdomen & uterus by a surgeon. There are 7 layers that the surgeon needs to get through to get to the baby during a C-Section: Skin. […]
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How important is a rest day? Should I rest or workout?

Rest days are mega important! You can’t achieve your fitness goals without them! Muscle growth from repairing those microscopic tears you make when training happens When your body is resting! (Remember those DOMS)!? So, if you skip your rest days – you might actually make your gains go backwards because your body won’t have enough […]
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DOMS – Delayed onset of muscle soreness. Cause for concern or indicator of a good workout?

You know the feeling, right? New workout or class, your super keen. You wake up the next day & struggle to get down the stairs!?  DOMS – love it or hate it – it’s a normal part of exercise! But how do you know when something isn’t quite right and you could have a potential […]
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