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PREP: 5 mins

COOK: 60 Mins


500g of 5% fat mince meat
1 chopped onion
1 carrot diced
1 celery stick diced
400g of chopped tomatoes
200ml of beef stock
1 tsp of Worcester sauce
1 table spoon of tomato puree
½ tablespoon of garlic paste/2 garlic cloves
9-12 lasagne sheets depending on your dish
50g of parmesan cheese
1 ball of mozzarella

For white sauce:

50g butter
50g plain flour
500ml semi skimmed milk


Preheat oven to 200 C fan 180 C

Heat olive oil in pan, brown mince and add veg, fry for a few minutes until softened, add the garlic & tomato puree and mix together well. Stir in your chopped tomatoes, beef stock & Worchester sauce and bring to a slow simmer for around 15 mins until sauce has reduced.

Meanwhile make your white sauce:

On a low heat melt your butter & add the flour and mix to make a paste. Slowly add in your milk and combine with the paste gradually to make a sauce. Season & whisk continually until you have a think sauce.

Spoon your mince mix and layer with pasta sheets, spoon over your white sauce & repeat twice so you have two layers.

On your final layer tear your mozzarella and sprinkle on top. Cook for 35-40 mins until golden brown, bubbly & piping hot.

Serve with mozzarella and salad.

Blueberry yogurt ice lollies


Fruit salad

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